
ХИТЫ 2020 ⚡ Новая музыка Декабрь 2020 ♫ Новейшая русская музыка 2020

ХИТЫ 2020 ⚡ Новая музыка Декабрь 2020 ♫ Новейшая русская музыка 2020
ХИТЫ 2020 ⚡ Новая музыка Декабрь 2020 ♫ Новейшая русская музыка 2020
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Звёзды Русского радио (Первый канал, 31.05.2020)

ytimg.preload(https://r15---sn-axq7sn76.googlevideo.com/generate_204);ytimg.preload(https://r15---sn-axq7sn76.googlevideo.com/generate_204?conn2);Звёзды Русского радио (Первый канал, 31.05.2020) — YouTube<link rel=«alternate» type=«application/json oembed» href=«www.youtube.com/oembed?format=json

Артур Пирожков - туДЫМ-сюДЫМ (Премьера клипа 2020)

#артурпирожков #тудымсюдым #ревва

Слушай трек на всех цифровых площадках:

Саундтерк к фильму «Прабабушка легкого поведения», который выйдет во всех кинотеатрах страны 11 февраля 2021 года!

Артур Пирожков врывается с новым танцевальным жарким хитом. Танцуй от любви под музыку нового трека. Повторяй новое движение из клипа “туДЫМ-сюДЫМ” и признавайся в любви в комментариях, ставь лайки. Любовь окутает тебя как дым.

Производство Serghey Grey Production
Режиссер клипа: Serghey Grey @sergheygrey
Оператор постановщик: Денис Панов @dpcinema
Директор съемочной группы: Дедов Сергей
Стадикам: Станислав Ваганов

Автор песни: Антон Пустовой @anton_pu100voy

Отель советский @hotel_sovietsky
Ресторан Яръ @restoran.yar

Заячий стон @zayachiy_ston
Максим Амельченко @maxamelchenko
Виталий Боровик @borvitalik
Алексей Поляков @polyakof
Кирилл Петров @petrofka
Евгения Бордзиловская @bordzilovskaya_evgeniya
Игорь Грузман @gruzman.show
АРТ балет:
Азиза Кондыбаева @my_name_is_zi
Татьяна Ермоленко @tanyaermolenco
Екатерина Росалюк @stella_kd
Александра Селиванова @sasha___selivanova
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The Best Jellyfish Aquarium for Relaxation - Sleep Relax Meditation Music - 3 hours - Screensaver

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3 HOURS — The Best Jellyfish Aquarium for Relaxation — Sleep Relax Meditation Music — Screensaver — Relax Music

Relaxing music and beautiful Jellyfish Aquarium for Relaxation. Helps Relax

Fireplace 10 hours full HD

DONATE: If you like my video, you can support with a small amount of donation: www.paypal.com/paypalme/fireplacevideo

Donate €2.00 via Revolut: pay.revolut.com/r/EC297o5Sub
Donate €5.00 via Revolut: pay.revolut.com/r/SxzbvBdjA4
Donate €10.00 via Revolut: pay.revolut.com/r/MP6Uj5jHIv
Donate €50.00 via Revolut: pay.revolut.com/r/Nxv2Q0itgm

Fireplace 10 hours in full HD resolution.
10 hours burning logs loop play.

Aurora Borealis in 4K UHD: "Northern Lights Relaxation" Alaska Real-Time Video 2 HOURS

New 2018 Sequel @ youtu.be/s37_-eVX4tE | (8HR Version @ youtu.be/N57TZyNmXr8 | DOWNLOAD/DVD: www.naturerelaxation.com/products/northern-lights-relaxation-1-8-hr-aurora-borealis-video-4k-uhd | STREAM with App @ naturerelaxation.vhx.tv/videos/northern-lights-relaxation-8-hours-real-time-nature-video-hd-1080p | ABOUT: One of the most fascinating sights in the world, yet most elusive and hardest to capture on camera is the Aurora Borealis -otherwise known as the Northern Lights. This 8-hour long video designed for extended length screensaver-type background play and for help with sleep features stunning real-time footage captured in Alaska. In the film, youll enjoy several different scenes with calming music by Yellow Brick Cinema. Note while most of the scenes were shot in real-time, there are a few shorter clips which are timelapse and were filmed by friend and filmmaker David Fontneau. The film is available in lengths of either 2 or 8 hours long, and can be accessed without watermarks using the Nature Relaxation On-Demand service or by purchasing it as an instant download in 4K/HD or purchased on DVD/Blu-Ray from NatureRelaxation.com | MORE INFO:

Filmed on the Sony Alpha Camera System in Real-Time by Todd Salat in Alaska. For more work by Todd Salat visit his YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/toddsalat

For more music by Yellow Brick Cinema subscribe to their channel at www.youtube.com/YellowBrickCinema

ABOUT NATURE RELAXATION™: Nature Relaxation™ is a premium niche video brand producing ultra high definition nature videos designed for relaxation, ambiance, and holistic stress relief. Independently produced in San Diego by David Huting, Nature Relaxation™ videos sweep audiences on soothing, majestic journeys to the worlds natural paradises, where viewers can relax and enjoy the positive health benefits which stem from an increased exposure to nature. The expansive collection features a wide array of styles, formats, and locations along with apps for all devices. Replace Your Worries With Wonder today at www.Nature Relaxation.com!